Bridging LoansDevelopment FinanceJoint Venture February 21, 2017 According to 70% of builders material costs are on the rise Material prices have increased due to the fall value of the pound as reported by… apexpromedia
Bridging Loans February 15, 2017 Why are bridging loans so popular in the real estate market? Bridging loans are becoming increasingly regular in real estate finance transactions. They are a financing… apexpromedia
Bridging LoansDevelopment Finance January 20, 2017 New-build homes are favoured by 70% of the public According to recent research over half the general public favour new-build properties. In a recent… apexpromedia
Bridging Loans January 20, 2017 An essential guide to buy-to-let The UK buy-to-let market has grown quickly over the last 20 years with investors looking… apexpromedia
Bridging Loans December 10, 2016 Bridge Lending Figures Are On The Rise In The UK Bridging loan companies continue to generate business as bridging lending continues to grow, in terms… apexpromedia
Bridging Loans November 25, 2016 Has Brexit Had An Effect On Bridging Loans So Far? BiG have looked back on 2016 and with only four weeks until Christmas, it’s time… apexpromedia
Bridging Loans November 25, 2016 Buy-To-Let Overrides Above Industry Predictions HMRC has revealed that a quarter of all residential properties purchased in the summer of… apexpromedia
Bridging LoansDevelopment Finance November 15, 2016 Can The Property Market Trump Our Expectations? It’s been a good year for surprises: especially unexpected results with the referendum and the… apexpromedia
Bridging Loans September 29, 2016 Bridging Loans Unaffected By Brexit Short-term funding remains strong and healthy providing bridging solutions for developers, refurbishers, businesses and traditional… apexpromedia
Bridging LoansCase Studies September 17, 2016 Medium Term Loan Case Study – Harold Road This is a medium term loan to a borrower who wanted to purchase a property… apexpromedia
Bridging LoansCase Studies August 10, 2016 Bridging Loan Case Study – College Road, Bromley This loan was to a property investor with a portfolio in excess of 50 properties.… apexpromedia
Bridging LoansCase Studies July 17, 2016 Bridging Loan Case Study – Plains Road, Nottingham & The Rank Gnosall This joint venture loan was for an experienced property investor and developer. The loan was to… apexpromedia